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2 - Writing C Programs

Time to write and run your first C program on the computer. We are going to get set up so you can code right in your web browser using the website <>

TODO: Link to video showing how to set up at

You might not need the video, you can just go to, create an account, then "Make a new Repl" then choose the C template.

After watching the above you should have your REPLIT account set up and be able to write some C.

By the end of this section you will be able to write programs that can print out messages to the user and get input from their keyboard.

The REPLIT interface

With your new project open in REPLIT here is what you should see:

On the left is a window with a list of the files in our project. For now we will just be working with the file it created for us automatically as part of the setup, called main.c.

In the middle is a window showing the contents of the main.c text file. By convention C code files have file names ending with .c or .h.

The dark window on the right is the window which will show the output of our program when we run it. You can also type commands here as well. This is called the Console

If you click the green button at the top you can see some things output in Console. You can do this now if you like or wait until we review the code first below.

Exploring your first program

Lets return to the code in main.c. Delete everything in this file except for the code below.

int main() 
  return 0;

There are some new things here so we'll explain them one at a time.

I recommend copying and pasting the examples in this section into your REPLIT main.c file so you can play around with them.

Remember when I said the names of functions didn't affect their behavior? Well, there are one or two ne exception. All C programs start working in a special function called main. It has to have this name (with correct capitalization) for your program to work.

As you can see the main function has no inputs (parameters) and returns an value of type int. The return value is used to tell the user or system that ran the program its exit status; traditionally a 0 means "everything is fine" and any other value signals to the system there might have been an error. We'll play with this below.

NOTE: From here on we will call function inputs by their proper name, parameters. We will also refer to the output by its proper name, return value.

Make sure the code above is the only thing in your main.c file (delete anything else if you haven't already as shown in the video) then hit the green button. In the console you will see it spit out this.

> make -s
> ./main 

The first line, make -s, is the system turning your text file main.c into a executable form the computer can run. This is called compiling. The compilation process will create a new file, in this case called just main. Note that Replit is hiding this newly created file by default, which is why you don't see it in the file listing in the left window; I'll tell you how to see this file later.

The second line is it running (executing) the main file that was just compiled. (NOTE: the ./ before main is just telling it to look for that file in the current directory or folder).

The program does not produce any output to the console, so the program just starts and stops without any other notification.

NOTE main.c is just the default filename given by REPLIT, it could have been anything. It doesn't have any significance or connection to the int main() function above. (However, do not rename this file just yet to test this; if you do we would need to make some other changes for the run button to work correctly if you do)

Exercise: Rename the int main() function to something else. Then hit the green run button again. Uh-Oh! The make command which compiles our code had an error. No need to read the error message in detail, just observe that if we don't have a function named main our program cannot compile. Restore the function name to main before proceeding.

Exercise: Change main and have it return a value other than 0. You will see the program compiles and runs to completion OK, but if you look in the console it outputs a red message warning us that the program's exit status was not 0. (Note: Don't worry if the exit status # does not match the value you returned).


int main() 
  // This is a comment. It has no effect on the program.
  return 0;

Everything on a line after a // (double forward slash) will be ignored by the compiler. Use comments to explain what your code is doing. The more complex your code is the more important this becomes.

Since all the work in this section is simple you can just delete the contents of your main.c file and replace them with the new code when moving to the next example or doing the exercises.

Printing to the Console

The easiest way to send a message to the user is to have it printed out to the console (the rightmost window in REPLIT). Now we will see how to do this. First, we'll need two new concepts.

First, in file listing window click the icon near the top that, when you hover over it with your mouse, says Add File. CLick it and name the file myinclude.c. Now open it and add the following code

int r = 5;

Now click on main.c to open it. and change it to the following.

int main() 
  #include "myinclude.c"
  return r;

The #include "myinclude.c" takes the contents of the file called myinclude.c, which we created above, and just inserts it into the file at the location of #include. You can verify this by compiling & running the program (green button as usual). It might seem odd, just looking at the code, that we can return r; without ever defining this variable. That is what the inserted code from myinclude.c has done for us.

Most of the time #include appears at teh very top of a code file, and it enables the use of functions defined in other files. To see how this works, now modify your main.c to look like the code below, then run it.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() 
  return 0;

Now that you've tried the code above and seen it outputs HelloGoodbye to the console, let's discuss what it is doing.

#include <stdio.h> adds the code from the file stdio.h to main.c. This file isn't in our list of files on the left, rather it is from the Standard Library that comes with the version of C we are using here. The compiler knows where to look for this file. stdio is short for "standard input/output"; it has functions that let us print to the screen, read from the user's keyboard, and work with files, and more.

By #include'ing this file, we can use a new funciton, printf which lets you print some text to the console. Here it will print Hello. Enter the code above into your Replit and run it to see this printed to the console. What if we wanted our Goodbye to start on a new line after Hello? You cannot do it like the code below:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() 
  // BAD CODE: This will not compile!
  return 0;

This code will not compile but if instead you add the special character \n after Hello (so it becomes "Hello\n"), then the console will jump to the next line and start outputting there whatever is printed next. Try this now.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() 
  return 0;

Note: \n is the special newline character. We can't get it by hitting the enter key, we need this \n . Anytime you see something preceded by a backslash (\), expect the slash and what comes after it to do something special. There are other special characters we can't insert with the keyboard and these are usually input with a \ followed by something else.

printf can do a lot more than just print some static piece of text like "Hello". The f in printf stands for 'format'; this function will allow you control how the words and numbers are displayed. printf can do a lot, I'll just give a few examples in the code block below. If you want to learn more you can read the documentation, but given the complexity of this function, sometimes the easier option is to search the web for some guidance.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() 
  int i = 9;
  double d = 3.1415926;
  // %d means print variable 'i' as an unsigned integer
  printf("A cat has %d lives. \n", i);
  // %f means print floating point with decimal
  printf("pi is approximately: %f\n", d);
  // we can specify we want only 4 digits after the decimal
  printf("pi to the 4th decimal is: %.4f\n", d);
  // you can print multiple items at once
  printf("%d / %f = %f ", i, d, i/d );
  return 0;

Every place there is a % tells printf to insert a value there. The letters and numbers immediately after the % specify how it should be printed. The value(s) to be inserted at each of these locations are the values "" quotes. Therefore, the number of % needs to be equal to number of values after the text.

printf does return a value (the number of characters it printed) but we are not using that value in this example. Like any function we are free to ignore/discard its return value if it is not needed. See below.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int i = 10;
  int printCount = printf("The number is %d \n", i);
  printf("That last line had %d characters.", printCount);
  // we have ignored the return value of the second printf by not assigning it to a variable

More Types: arrays and strings

Before we move to reading user input from the console we'll need to pause to introduce some new types.


Imagine we want to store many values of a particular type. Up until now, every time we want to work with an int we have created a named int variable then assigned it a value. What if we has dozen or thousands of values to store? It would of course be impractical to have a named variable for each value. In such situations, we instead can create an array of ints.

First read the example code, then the explanation that follows.

int main()
  // create an int array with 10 elements
  int intArray[10];
  // set the first element
  intArray[0] = 1;
  // set the last element
  intArray[9] = 5;
  // print out the values of first, last elements
  printf("The first element is %d", intArray[0]);
  printf("The last element is %d", intArray[9]);

To create an array, we use the following syntax: the type of the array's elements comes first, then the name, then inside square brackets ([]) is the number of elements the array can hold. The example code above shows how you can create an array and then set and read its elements.

When we want to accessing a value in the array (to set or read its value), the part in the [] is called the index. The 1st element is intArray[0] and goes up from there.

When you first create an array, the values of the members are not set (initialized) to any particular (or even valid) value. Returning to the example now: the values of intArray[1] through intArray[8], since they are never set, could be anything, and may differ each time you run your problem. For this reason, there is no reason to read an array element before it has been set.

Attempting to read or write an index beyond the last element is an error. Doing so can crash your problem or lead to unexpected behavior. For instance, in the example above you must never assign (or read) intArray[10] or higher. Writing to elements beyond the end of your array is called a buffer overflow.


We have already used strings above; every time we used printf the part in quotes "..." is a string. For now, think of strings like an array of chars, with the special feature that they always end with the special character \0.

Put the example below into REPLIT and run it to test these concepts.

int main()
  char *s = "Hello";
  printf( "%s \n", s);

  printf( "%c \n", s[0]); // H
  printf( "%c \n", s[1]); // e
  printf( "%c \n", s[2]); // l
  printf( "%c \n", s[3]); // l
  printf( "%c \n", s[4]); // o
  printf( "%d \n", s[5]); // \0

Don't worry for now about what the type char * means. We'll cover that in the next section. Just notice we can access each element of the string as if it were something like an array of characters. The printf format specification for a character is %c. Notice that to demonstrate the \0 character at the end of th string we tell it to print out like an integer.

Reading from the Console

Now that you know the basics of strings and arrays you can start to obtain typed user input from the console.

Copy the code below to your REPLIT, and run it. Then proceed to the explanation below.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  // prompt the user for input
  printf("Type something then hit enter: ");

  // create an array to hold the user input
  char buffer[128];
  // fill the array with what they type
  fgets(buffer, 128, stdin);
  // print what they typed back to the user (%s is the format code for a string)
  printf("You typed: %s", buffer);

  return 0;

The fgets function takes three arguments. The third is where it will look for data. stdin is short for standard input, which in this case is what appears at the console. The default behavior is that it will stop collecting when use user hits enter. The second argument is the maximum number of characters it will collect from stdin. The first argument is a character array that will hold the data; storage for this purpose is often called a buffer.

The second argument (size) is important because fgets has no other way to know how big the buffer is. It is very important the value here is no larger than the buffer size in order to avoid a buffer overflow as discussed above.


With this section complete you can:

In the next section we will see how your programs can alter their behavior based on user input.

Section 1, Section 3